RESONANZLAB production grant

The ResonanzLab opens up a creative space for artists to work on site with people in the Lake Constance region and focus specifically on their approach to climate change.

How do our own experiences, everyday narratives or the omnipresent news from the media influence our view of our changing living environment(s)? Are we more sensitive to changes in nature today? What does it mean for (young) people when there is talk of “climate anxiety”? Or, asked more musically and perceptively: can we hear it, transmit it, transform it, this ‘basic hum’ of uncertainty, of fear for or of the future?

The ResonanzLab explores artistic strategies and inclusive communications, shared feelings, visions and hopes that may express themselves in language and sound, call and response, echo and vibration: visually, collectively, aurally, on site and in motion.

The artists are invited to create and document their encounters and findings on site; the media implementation of this remains open.

The aim of the residency is to develop a series of participatory activities for the four-country region of Lake Constance and to present these at various locations. The infrastructure required for this will be designed in collaboration with our project partners. The ResonanzLab is in close cooperation with a scientific team from HFU and ZHAW.

In principle, all artistic media that can be implemented within the framework of the project and the time period are welcome. In terms of content, the focus should be on a participatory engagement with sound, voice and language with a clear reference to the topic of “climate anxiety”.

The artists are accompanied by the GLOBAL FOREST team during the production process. At the same time, they are in contact with the HFU scientific team and are supported by both sides in the processing of the documentation and the final presentation.

Goals of the residence

  • Supporting the professional development of artists
  • Creation of an artistic and action-based concept on the topic
  • Consideration of citizen participation, communication, language, voice and sound
  • Expanding the concept of knowledge: physical, emotional, sensory
  • Promotion of interdisciplinarity on this side of academic education and intentions
  • Sounding out the resonances on site in the sense of a “sense of place”.

Residence period

  • Duration: 3 months
  • Period: November 1, 2024 to the end of February 2025

Services of the residence

  • Monthly grant of € 2,500 (for individuals/duos/groups)
  • Rent-free stay at Kunstverein Global Forest (a spacious living and studio space with kitchen and bathroom is available)
  • Access to HFU resources and facilities
  • Presentation of the resulting work as part of a final exhibition
  • Expense allowance for exhibitions/actions after the residency period (up to 2500€)
  • Costs for production and accompanying infrastructure (up to 4000€)
  • Travel costs for journeys to and from and excursions in the areas of the four-country region of Lake Constance (up to € 2000).


  • A degree in fine arts, literature, music, sound art or a related discipline is an advantage, but not essential
  • A clear reference to working with language and sound must be recognizable
  • Willingness to participate in community activities and exchange, as well as a high level of interest in developing projects in a participatory manner with people in the region
  • A basic knowledge of German is required for the residency. We are happy for applicants to bring further language skills with them.

Application documents

  1. Letter of motivation: Explain your motivation and goals for participating in the residency (max. 1 A4 page)
  2. Project description: Description of the project proposal (max. 8,000 characters), stating the earliest possible start of work
  3. Curriculum vitae: Attach a current curriculum vitae documenting your previous experience and publications (max. 3 A4 pages)
  4. Work samples: Submit up to three documentations of your work that illustrate your artistic direction.

Application submission

Application deadline

  • The deadline for entries is September 10, 2024.

Selection procedure

  • The residency participants are selected by a jury of experts from the participating institutions
  • The selected participants will be notified by October 10, 2024.

The ResonanzLab is a cooperation project of the Furtwangen University (HFU), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences(ZHAW) and the Global Forest art association. The ResonanzLab project is funded by the Science Network Four-Country Region Lake Constance with funds from the Interreg VI Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein program.

Application deadline: September 10, 2024