
Residency grants from the Kunstverein zu Rostock and the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock for the genre of fine arts for the year 2025

The Kunstverein zu Rostock is offering residency grants for the Schleswig-Holstein-Haus for the year 2025, for which artists can apply. The Schleswig-Holstein-Haus is located in the eastern part of the old town and houses the Kunstverein zu Rostock’s gallery as well as the studio apartment.

1. application conditions
The call for applications for the year 2025 is for the visual arts genre (painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, illustration, performance and video art). The duration of the residency is two to four months.

For 2025, concepts are being sought at the interface of art and science with reference to the university and science location of Rostock. The United Nations has declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. The Kunstverein zu Rostock is working together with the Institute of Physics at the University of Rostock on the topics of light and quantum physics. This cooperation can be used by the scholarship holders.

Due to the generous space available in the studio apartment, we particularly invite artists with child(ren) or artist groups to apply. However, the grant does not increase for groups of artists.
Students are not eligible to apply.

2. amount of the scholarship
The amount of the scholarship is 1,500 euros gross per month. Accommodation in the studio apartment is provided by the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock.

3. application and postal address
The application must be sent by September 15, 2024. The postmark is valid. Delivery is to be sent postage paid for the recipient to the following address:
Kunstverein zu Rostock e.V.
Keyword “RostockStipendium”
Amberg 13
18055 Rostock

Please note:
– Applications will be assessed solely on the basis of the documents submitted.
– Submissions exceeding the required application documents will not be considered.
– The documents of the applicants selected for the scholarship will remain with the awarding authority.
– Applications by e-mail or on data carriers alone will not be considered.
– Confirmation of receipt of the application documents will not be issued.
– The decision will be announced at the beginning of October 2024.

4. application documents
The following documents must be submitted as part of the application:
1) fully completed application form (see attachment)
2) artistic CV of max. 1800 characters
3) Description of a work project to be realized or continued during the scholarship in max. 1800 characters
4) Portfolio: Images of max. 20 artistic works, marked with title, year and material
5) A single catalog or an illustrated book may be submitted.
6) addressed return envelope (unstamped)
optional for video art and performance:
7) selected video works or documentation of performances, format mp4, video files should be made available for download (link without time limit to:
8) The selected videos or performances must be reproduced, labeled and briefly explained as part of the portfolio.
Invitation cards, flyers, newspaper articles and other (loose) collections of sheets
may not be submitted.

5. presentations and catalog
The artists are expected to present their work in an “open studio” during their stay. The work of the scholarship holders will be documented in a printed publication.

6. selection procedure
The Kunstverein zu Rostock decides on the awarding of the scholarships after recommendation by a jury of experts

Application deadline: September 15, 2024