Appeal for the 2025 federal election by the BBK federal association

Strengthen the interests of artists at federal level!

In the face of major social and economic challenges, the visual arts need a cultural policy at federal level that strengthens the potential of art and culture and creates the conditions for good framework conditions for artistic work.

In the run-up to the 2025 federal elections, the associations BBK Bundesverband, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Verband der Gemeinschaften der Künstlerinnen und Kunstfördernden (GEDOK), Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK) and Internationales Künstlergremium (IKG) are appealing to the parties and future elected representatives to place art and culture at the center of their work.

The associations provide six recommendations for action to strengthen the arts and artists:

1. strengthening the federal cultural funds

2. improvement of social security for artists

3. stabilization of income: Mandatory fee floors in all funding programs

4. gender equality: actively counteracting the gender pay gap and gender show gap, taking care work into account in support measures

5. reduction of bureaucracy in funding and international cultural cooperation

6. cultural education strengthens social cohesion and media literacy

This appeal has been jointly drafted by the visual artists’ associations at federal level, which have been exchanging ideas and working together for many years. The aim is a cultural policy with a vision for a bold and effective visual arts sector.