Open Call – Oldenburg Drawing Festival: “Drawing & Sex – Body vs. Society”

For the tenth time, the Oldenburg drawing festival ausgezeichnet! invites you to draw, reflect and discuss together in the fall of 2025. In workshops, public events and drawing experiments, ausgezeichnet! explores the limits and possibilities of drawing together with young people and young adults in Oldenburg and encourages them to participate in drawing discourses. The core of the festival is a series of workshops that are designed to convey contemporary art strategies and as participatory art projects in public urban spaces.

With “Drawing & Sex – Body vs. Society”, the 10th Oldenburg Drawing Festival tackles an extremely difficult and at the same time important topic: How does our physicality, our urges and feelings influence our social coexistence? And conversely, how do social norms and freedoms influence our body image and awareness?

The 10th Oldenburg Drawing Festival ausgezeichnet! is looking for artists to lead artistic workshops with young people. The duration of a workshop will be five days of 5 hours each. The event period is from 25.08. – 15.09.2025. The young people between the ages of 14 and 19 will work together with artists on the topic “Drawing and Sex – Body vs. Society” in 2025.

Application deadline: February 23, 2025