Individual/cooperation scholarships at Schloss Wiepersdorf

The Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf grants residency scholarships to artists and scientists at Schloss Wiepersdorf (Brandenburg/Fläming) in accordance with the following guidelines and subject to the availability of state funds.
There is no entitlement to the scholarship.

National and international artists and scientists from the following countries are eligible to apply

– Literature (including poetry, prose, drama, essays, screenplays, criticism, translation)
– Science/Romanticism (humanities and social sciences with topics relating to the Romantic era and mindset)
– Science/German-German issues (humanities and social sciences with issues relating to German-German history)
– Visual arts (including painting, graphics, sculpture, media art and photography) – Composition (including sound design, sound installation, sound performance, conducting) including painting, graphic art, sculpture, media art and photography)
– Composition (including sound design, sound installation, sound performance, conducting),

who have completed an artistic or academic education, are working on a doctorate or have already distinguished themselves through publications or many years of professional artistic or academic work and can demonstrate their ability in work samples.
For international applicants, knowledge of German or English is a prerequisite. A basic knowledge of German would be helpful for a productive stay.
The quality of the previous artistic or academic work and the planned work project are decisive for the awarding of the residency scholarship.
Persons who have been a scholarship holder at Schloss Wiepersdorf in the two years prior to the year of application are not eligible to apply.

The castle and park are barrier-free, and there is a barrier-free apartment on the first floor of the scholarship house. If you have any questions, please contact the team at any time. Ideally, you should mention in your application which accessibility requirements must be met for your stay.

Not eligible to apply are
– students (with the exception of postgraduates / doctoral candidates and master students)
– persons who were scholarship holders at Schloss Wiepersdorf in the two years prior to the year of application
– members of the juries.

Type and scope of the scholarship
The number of scholarships to be awarded depends on the funding available in the state budget.
The residence scholarship has a duration of three months and is granted for the periods March to May, June to August or September to November. A shorter period of stay can be specified for the academic scholarships if required.
In addition to free board and lodging at Schloss Wiepersdorf, scholarship holders from all disciplines each receive a monthly cash payment of 1,200 euros and a one-off allowance of 480 euros for material costs. If the stay is shortened, the contribution in kind is reduced by 160 euros per month.
If available, studios will be made available to the visual artists.
For scholarship holders from countries for which a visa is required, the costs of the visa will be covered.

Award procedure
The residency scholarships are awarded after consultation with independent expert juries.
Artists and academics can apply for either an individual scholarship or a cooperation scholarship.

Artists and academics who wish to spend their stay alone can apply for an individual scholarship.

Cooperation fellowships are characterized by the fact that applicants nominate up to two people with whom they will work together on their artistic productions at Schloss Wiepersdorf.
With the approval of a cooperation fellowship, the fellowship holder receives an additional room in which either one guest lives for the entire period or two guests arrive one after the other to work with them on the project.
The nominated persons can come from all artistic fields – including craft fields. They receive the same conditions as the fellows.
Companions can only be nominated if they are directly involved in the artistic production of the selected fellows.

Approval and payment procedure
The approval or rejection of the scholarship will be communicated in writing.
No reasons will be given for the rejection.
All scholarship holders will receive a declaration of consent with the award. Only after this declaration of consent has been signed by the scholarship holder is the scholarship awarded with legal effect.

Factual report and questionnaire
Scholarship holders are required to submit a factual report on their residency to the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf no later than 14 days after the end of their scholarship.
In addition, when publishing a work of art created with the help of the residency scholarship, it is requested that reference be made in an appropriate form to the support provided by the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf.

Withdrawal, cancellation or postponement of the residency scholarship
The scholarship may be withdrawn if the applicant has obtained the scholarship wrongly, in particular by providing false information. The right to repayment exists irrespective of whether the scholarship money has already been used.
In the event of an urgently justified and verifiable impediment (illness, commissioned work, etc.), the cancellation or postponement of the scholarship stay within the scholarship year must be arranged immediately with the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf. Arrangements can only be made within the year in which the scholarship is awarded.
A division of the scholarship into several stays as well as a multi-year arrangement is not possible for awarding and budgetary reasons.

In the event of restrictions in connection with a pandemic (or otherwise), the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf reserves the right not to grant residencies in Wiepersdorf at short notice. In this case, all scholarship holders of a quarter will be offered a virtual residency program after prior approval by the funding body. The monthly allowance and the project money will continue to be paid out if the virtual residency program is taken up. There is no entitlement to the grant and project money or to a postponement of the stay.

Application deadline: April 15, 2025