
Pupils at Diemitz/Freiimfelde elementary school no longer arrive at their classroom via a dreary corridor, but past a colorful art installation designed in bright rainbow colors. The installation consists of eight panels, each showing a still life, curated by 15 pupils aged six to nine. The panels show the children’s finds and favorite pieces that they have created from wire and modeling clay. There are fun things to discover: an orange butterfly flies to a purple snail – a green snake bites into a yellow pizza. The children are visibly proud to present their works to their families and classmates at the end – they have been working towards this moment with artist Grit Wendelberger since April and have experienced a lot together since then, such as a trip to the Moritzburg Art Museum. When asked what they liked most, the children were unanimous: “Everything!” “Why?” – “It was so much fun!” “WIR.Formen.Räume”: A project organized by the Bürgerstiftung Halle as part of “Max macht Oper”. Funded by the Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler e.V. (BBK) as part of the program “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2023 at the Diemitz/ Freiimfelde elementary school, supported by the Kulturwerk des BBK Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Management: Grit Wendelberger
Project partners: Bürgerstiftung Halle, Diemitz/Freiimfelde elementary school, Kulturwerk des BBK Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.