Nikos Probst’s artistic work and research focuses on the reflection and examination of an increasingly technologically diversifying and automating world. In his work “TRAINED SCULPTOR”, he explores the influence of artificial intelligence in sculptural form-finding processes. To do this, he used a so-called Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN for short. He trained this with 3D data from 2,000 sculptures from various museums around the world. After the training, the GAN was able to independently generate new 3D models of sculptures from the data set. This approach is based on the idea that artistic creation has always been a practical examination of the status quo of technological and industrial developments and the accompanying processes of social change.
Further information about the artist:
Nikos Probst:
Video installation “Morphé”, 2022, 43″ screen
Print “Eidola”, 2022, 122 x 69 cm
Sculpture “Eidola”, 2022, bronze, 36.5 x 12 x 12 cm
Plastic “TRAINED SCULPTOR”, 2022, ash, 36.5 x 10 x 10 cm
Sculpture “TRAINED SCULPTOR”, 2022, bronze, 36.5 x 10 x 10 cm