AG Cultural Education
The AG Kulturelle Bildung sees itself as an interface between artists and educational institutions in the state of Saxony-Anhalt for the mediation of art. This can accompany or supplement the curriculum. What is important is the different view, the different approach, the different perspective and sometimes also the different (studio) location for the children to gain a variety of impressions.
The members of the working group are keeping an eye on the federal and state funding measures for placement. These include projects such as ‘Kultur macht stark’, ‘Kreativpotentiale’, ‘Künstler*innen an Schulen’ and the ‘Aufleben nach Corona’ project. It is also important to maintain contact with the cultural education network and the supporting organizations. Also to find out how the topic is dealt with elsewhere.
The primary aim of the working group is to facilitate an exchange of experiences between teachers and artists and to offer or arrange further training for artists. The working group should also enable career changers to obtain information about apprenticeships, e.g. through field reports. At the cultural policy level, the working group is also concerned with a fee guideline for external artists at schools that enables the artists involved to make a living from their work.
AG coordination and meetings
Responsible for the coordination of the working group: Dr. Grit Wendelberger:
Next meeting …info to follow…