Group Dessau and surrounding area (DuU)

DuU – Dessau und Umgebung is a working group of regional artists of the BBK in Saxony-Anhalt. As of April 2024, we are 16 artists who meet once a month for breakfast. The aim is to increase the visibility of our work in the region and to strengthen the artistic exchange between us. To this end, we are trying to develop new exhibition formats and ideas and, with the BBK as a regional association behind us, to establish a stronger integration into urban culture. Our first project is to establish the Halle BBKarium idea in Dessau. Since November 2023, there has been a BBKarium Dessau at Ferdinand-von-Schill-Straße 3. We are currently planning an additional window in Wittenberg to include the artists based there. Perhaps this will lead to a nationwide network of BBKarien…?