André Kestel

Glas, Metallplastik, Plastik


Born in Burgstädt (Saxony) in 1969; school, training, profession (heating fitter/locksmith), retraining (social education worker), various other jobs

1993 Initiation of a workshop project in Chemnitz, implementation of creative work courses in metal

1999-2001 Guest student at the University of Art & Design Burg Giebichenstein Halle (Saale) in the field of glass/painting

since 2001 member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Saxony-Anhalt (2011-’13 board)

lives and works in Halle an der Saale

2013-2017 Federal Board BBK Berlin

2014-2016 Board of the IGBK and on the VG-BILD Art Awards Committee

2017-2019 Restoration commissions for works in public spaces in the city of Halle (Saale)