BEQISA – Call for funding 2025 “Together – for a neighborhood worth living in”

The call for funding “Together – for a neighborhood worth living in” is intended to provide impetus for the development of age-appropriate neighborhoods, particularly in rural regions in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. The promotion of small-scale individual projects and measures is intended to contribute to the improvement of housing and the living environment, supply, social infrastructure, technology/digitalization in old age and the coexistence of people of all generations. Growing old well in a familiar living environment is what most people want. The aim of the BEQISA funding call is to support this.

In our focus areas: Supply, Technology/Digitalization and Housing, project applications can be funded up to a total of €20,000.

What criteria must be observed when submitting an application?

Important criteria for funding are

  • a clear project description with an implementation and financing plan
    (project costs, own funds, third-party funds)
  • a clear connection to the neighborhood
  • the active participation of older people in the neighborhood
  • coordination with other stakeholders and cooperation partners in the neighborhood and
  • the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the planned measure.

Living in the neighborhood – Possible topics:

  • Development of new housing offers and networking structures
  • Networking and opening up care facilities in the neighborhood
  • Reduction of barriers (infrastructure, mobility, housing)
  • Creation of public dementia-sensitive meeting and recreational spaces

Application deadline: September 27, 2024