Call for art for ARTeFact “Precarious Freedom” – ARTeFact science show

The Research Center for Global Dynamics ReCentGlobe and the Faculty of Law at Leipzig University are looking for artistic contributions for the ARTeFact science show at the Globe24 science festival from October 24 to 26, 2024. In this format, artists from all fields and disciplines are invited to take up scientific considerations on the topic of freedom in creative contributions that they can present to the festival guests.

Under the heading of this year’s festival theme “Precarious Freedom”, we want to bring together academics from the legal sciences with creatives from all disciplines and fields and engage in a joint exchange. The aim is to show an artistic contribution that takes up current questions and problems on the subject of freedom and contextualizes them in a legal context. This can be a performance, an installation, a piece of music, a text, an artistic intervention, etc., which will be presented on October 24 at the Moritzbastei. In preparation, we are organizing a joint pitch with all participating scientists and artists at the end of August, where everyone can present their work and we can exchange ideas together. Afterwards, the artists, with the help of the scientists, can design their contribution for the show until October 24. The aim is to show a maximum 10-minute contribution in the ARTeFact show on 24.10. which will then be recontextualized by a scientist.

Recordings and a fee of €500 each are provided for the contributions.

Application deadline: August 04, 2024