Call for proposals for an exhibition participation”…vs. early work”

Künstlerhaus Dortmund e.V. has been run by artists since 1983 as a self-organized studio and exhibition space for contemporary and experimental art. The exhibition project “…vs. early work” deals with the individual (stylistic) development of artists. To this end, the group exhibition will juxtapose one current work and one early work for each artistic position. Such positions are being sought through this advertisement.
As the term “early work” can always be defined slightly differently, a time difference of at least 10 years was set as the simplest criterion. In this case, very young artists would have to fall back on the treasures of their youth, while older artists could also present stylistic changes in the middle of their careers. There are no restrictions regarding the media and content of the artworks. There is a pool of presentation technology for digital media in the building.

You can find a small insight into the premises here:

Info on the schedule: The exhibition opens on Friday, October 18, 2024. Construction will begin on Monday, October 14, 2024. We can also take over the assembly if necessary. The press conference to present the exhibition is scheduled to take place in advance on Friday, October 18, 5 p.m. Transportation and travel costs and/or, if applicable, costs for the installation will be borne by the Künstlerhaus (from abroad by separate arrangement). If desired, we can provide accommodation during the set-up and opening. The works are insured for transportation and the duration of the exhibition. A smaller an-
Recognition fee is planned. Interested parties are welcome to apply simply by email with photos/videos of up to three available current works and up to three available early works (JPG or PDF attached, online links or WeTransfer) with the image details (title, year, material and size), an explanatory text if applicable and a CV as well as full contact details (please include a telephone number) at the following address:

Application deadline: July 14, 2024