
Open Call: Künstlerstadt Kalbe is looking for an intern

The City of Artists Kalbe is looking for an intern for the 11th International Wintercampus. The internship (can be chosen for 4, 5 or 6 weeks – core period 24.2.-23.3.) includes the supervision and support of the national and international artists and the preparation of the studio tours (each Saturday from 2 p.m., Gerichtstr. 31 […]

Workshop: Bread in process

Ciabatta, pretzel, yufka or toast? Bread shapes our society. In Germany alone, an average of 74.5 kg of this staple food is consumed per capita every year. It not only reflects our individual tastes, but also cultural, economic and ecological interdependencies. Bread is also seen as a link between humans and nature, as a symbol […]

Promotion: Active together for inclusion

Inclusion means creating a diverse and open society in which everyone can participate in social life regardless of individual differences. The funding is intended to help create additional opportunities for inclusive encounters in order to make inclusion a tangible experience. In this funding program, Aktion Mensch supports inclusive projects in the areas of “education and […]

Call for Artists – WindArt 2025

Travemünde is a modern Baltic seaside resort with great recreational value. The main attraction is the beach promenade, the fine sandy beach and the many large ships that sail right past the beach chair. And then there’s the art! Galleries in the town invite you to visit and there are many works of art in […]

Sculpture workshop in Querceto/Val de Cecina

Workshop from June 21, 2025, 6 p.m. to June 28, 2025, 10 a.m. in Querceto/Tuscany. Number of participants:limited to 10 peopleNew: 4 places for accompanying persons Lecturer:Reinhard Pontius, sculptor/Dresden “My aim is to support and accompany your individual process in conversation with the stone.” You can find all information here. Registration deadline: January 31, 2025

Call for projects: “Versehen – fassbar gemacht: Collective ceramic project by julakim”

julakim, musician and architect, invites you to be part of a collective art project based on her song VERSEHEN – a feminist funk-swing anthem that celebrates the spirit and strength of women*. What is the project about? The project “VERSEHEN – made tangible” is a collective art project that makes women* visible in their diversity […]

Federal Cultural Foundation: General project funding

As part of the Federal Cultural Foundation’s general project funding, artists can apply for funding for projects in the artistic fields of visual and performing arts, literature, music, dance, film, photography, architecture or new media. Funding is available for large, innovative projects in an international context. The application amount must be at least 50,000 euros […]

Design as intervention

The upcoming issue of “Neuwerk – Zeitschrift für Designwissenschaften” focuses on the topic of intervention. The editorial team particularly encourages submissions that deal with the topic from intersectional and/or marginalized perspectives. The aim is to create a space for the exchange of diverse knowledge practices. Submissions are welcome in a variety of formats, including both […]

Anja Wolf

In February, our newcomer Anja Wolf will be presenting her work in the window of the workshop café. The exhibition will be on display around the clock until February 28. On display in the exhibition are collages from the year 2024, which show an artistic examination of the “Potsdam Memorandum 2005”. This is a manifesto […]

Annual conference of the knowledge platform kubi-online: Cultural education – an oasis of resonance?

Approaches and limits of the world relationship The Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung des Bundes und des Landes NRW is hosting the annual conference of the kubi-online knowledge platform in Remscheid from March 17 – 18, 2025. Based on impulses from the sociologist Hartmut Rosa, we would like to explore the question of the extent to […]

Curating certificate course

Course from May 16 – July 19, 2025 Exhibitions on art, culture or socially and scientifically relevant topics inspire a large audience and provide impetus for current discourse. The venues, formats and professional fields of curating have expanded considerably in recent years. The Curating course picks up on this development and offers a comprehensive introduction […]

Future Vision Free Culture Part II on January 30

We would like to remind you of two dates right at the beginning of the year. A lot has been happening behind the scenes again. On the occasion of the Lord Mayor election on February 2, 2025, we have planned a second event format “Future Vision Free Culture” together with the Alliance, very similar to […]

Glossary for fair pay in the visual arts

New publication from the IG Bildende Kunst in Austria Pay The Artist Now! | Glossary for fair payment in the visual arts | Publication of IG Bildende Kunst The IG Bildende Kunst, artists’ association and national committee of the IAA in Austria, published a glossary for fair pay in the visual arts in September 2024, […]

Appeal for the 2025 federal election by the BBK federal association

Strengthen the interests of artists at federal level! In the face of major social and economic challenges, the visual arts need a cultural policy at federal level that strengthens the potential of art and culture and creates the conditions for good framework conditions for artistic work. In the run-up to the 2025 federal elections, the […]

Marlen Tennigkeit in Donzdorf

Exhibition in the castle – Gray zone. Marlen Tennigkeit MARLEN TENNIGKEIT2022 – 2023 Master student with Prof. Caroline Achaintre, Textile Arts, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle 2022Diploma in Fine Arts/ Sculpture with Prof. Andrea Zaumseil, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle2019 – 2020 Study of Sculpture with Prof. Dominik Lang, […]

Information event “Culture makes you strong” program

First call for proposals 2025Application period January 1 to February 28, 2025 24.1.2025, 1 – 3 p.m.: Digital information event on submitting applications (registration by e-mail to by 23.1.2025) Apply for project funding from “Kultur macht stark. We can do art”, funding period 2025. Apply with your concept for an extracurricular cultural education project […]

Profession artist with child #2 in Leipzig

Workshop and network meeting on the topic: “Career artist with child” #2 The birth of a child changes the lives of artists.and their everyday working life often change abruptly. Self-employment is particularly difficult, as many artists The employees are living in financially precarious situations or are no longer able to work due to a lack […]

Alfons Scholz, Schöne Aussicht

BBK members in Magdeburg’s Himmelreich Gallery

SCHÖNE AUSSICHT – Painting, graphics, drawing, objectPhotography, glass design With BBK members Ingrid Müller-Kuberski, Cathleen Meier, Jens Elgner, Frank Borisch, Annedore Policek, Benjamin Borisch, Reinhard Rex, Helga Borisch and other artists. Outlook is what you allow yourself.And outlook is the “what” and “how” things will continue. I have great respect for artists who stimulate the […]

Johannes Steubl, Millenial Evolves, 2024, Farbradierung (Ausschnitt

Julienne Jattiot in Leipzig

Group exhibition “Transfer” Students and teachers of the HGB Leipzig, AdBK Munich and AdBK Nuremberg After stops at the Akademie Galerie Nürnberg and the Radierverein München, the exhibition “Transfer” can now also be seen in Leipzig. For the first time, the exhibition “Transfer” presents printmaking works by students and teachers from the renowned workshops for […]

Group exhibition

Happy New Year and a group exhibition in January with art by Anja Wolf, Elfi Nitze, Elena Kiseleva-Arendt, Sabine Brauns, Veronika Kaiping, 6y_anhalt, Juliane Naumann, Benjamin Kerwien and Jakob Wolf. New Year’s vernissage | January 1 | 4.30 p.m. Further information: Visible from outside around the clock! The project is funded by the NeuSTADT […]