Open Calls

Headwind – development fund for eastern Germany

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation provides up to 5,000 euros in its program Gegenwind – Förderfonds für Ostdeutschland (Headwind – Support Fund for Eastern Germany) to support initiatives that are committed to a democratic East Germany based on solidarity and against the growing influence of right-wing extremist forces. Applications and projects must be submitted by the […]

Project funding from the Playmobil Children’s Foundation

The Playmobil Children’s Foundation continuously supports projects in the areas of education, health, creativity and movement that have not yet been started. The Playmobil Children’s Foundation was established in 1995 by Horst Brandstätter (1933-2015). He was the owner of the Horst Brandstätter Group, to which the PLAYMOBIL brand also belongs. The aim of the foundation’s […]


“InterKulturMachtKunst-KunstMachtInterKultur” promotes intercultural projects in various art forms from hip-hop and video installation to classical theater or everyday culture, etc.In terms of content, the projects reflect the diversity of people in everyday life and their living environment – for example, through the artistic examination of their own migration or refugee history or the diversity in […]

Kuboshow art fair in Herne

The KUBOSHOW KUNSTMESSE takes place in the Flottmann-Hallen, a former jackhammer factory, in the heart of the Ruhr region, in Herne. 74 young international artists show their latest works there in the fall. Around 50% of the participants change every year. The price level tends to be between € 5 and € 4,000. The program […]

Gold rush artist project

The Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt promotes the realization of outstanding artistic positions by women. It is an independent professional development project for female visual artists, which includes a one-year postgraduate professionalization course, an exhibition and public events. Each year, 15 female artists can take part. Application deadline: September 15, 2024

Close-up view of dirty paint brushes on aluminum tray, shallow DOF

Erlebnis Kunst Foundation / Project funding

The Erlebnis Kunst Foundation supports artistic and art education work in the fields of visual arts, theater, music and new media. In particular, projects that demonstrate a creative, innovative, original and reflective concept in dealing with art and interpretative experience are supported. The projects to be funded must show evidence of substantiated planning in terms […]

Open Call 2025: Residence for the Lichtenberg Studios

The residency project gives international artists, but also artists living in Berlin, the opportunity to live and work in a very interesting former East Berlin district and to gain their first impressions of Berlin and its art scenes. With a stay of usually one month, there is enough time for both. The project is primarily […]

Promotion of free art and culture in Leipzig

In 2025, the City of Leipzig will continue to fund non-profit, artistic and cultural institutions and projects that are independently run and open to the public. Applications must be received by the Cultural Office by September 1, 2024 for institutional funding and by September 30, 2024 for project funding. Contact us Cultural promotionThomasiusstraße 104109 Leipzig […]

Frappant e.V. Open Call 2025

Frappant e.V. is calling on artists, curators, designers, architects and activists to apply to Frappant Galerie with an exhibition concept for 2025. Frappant Galerie is a non-commercial exhibition space in the middle of a larger, cooperatively managed center for alternative culture, education, creative industries and social affairs in Hamburg-Altona. The Frappant Association has existed since […]

Farm Studio International Artist Residency 2025

Artists of all disciplines creating in any media are welcome to apply: dance, theater, music, sound, performance art, writing, painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles, culinary, photography, video/film, animation, architecture, sculpture (any material), ceramics, pottery, mixed-media / multi-media, interdisciplinary, installation, and other new/alternative media. Researchers, curators, and art critics are also welcome to apply. Open to emerging […]

Exhibition 2025 in the Small Intercultural Gallery, Rostock

migra e.V. is looking for artists for 2025Apply by August 19, 2024 for an exhibition in the Small Intercultural Gallery in 2025. You can apply if you are a migrant yourself. You can also apply if your art deals with migration or integration. Paintings, drawings, graphics, prints or photographs can be exhibited. The works are […]

CASE REMAPPED: a call for two residencies

“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”. ¹ This expression, brimming with lucidity and regret for a stagnant present and a future that seems denied, can easily be applied to so many aspects of contemporaneity. In a context of perennial planetary crisis (cultural, political, climatic), it seems […]

Woman* creates space

FRAU* schafft Raum is a hybrid of a place of remembrance and an art space. The artistic presentation will focus on the topic of “femicide” in connection with the history of the site. Artists* are invited to submit exhibition concepts that fit thematically into this framework. Exhibitions dealing with femicide, violence against women, women’s rightsas […]

Call for art for ARTeFact “Precarious Freedom” – ARTeFact science show

The Research Center for Global Dynamics ReCentGlobe and the Faculty of Law at Leipzig University are looking for artistic contributions for the ARTeFact science show at the Globe24 science festival from October 24 to 26, 2024. In this format, artists from all fields and disciplines are invited to take up scientific considerations on the topic […]

Open Call for Art: Theme EMBRACING NATURE

For many artists, nature is one of the most important inspirations and at the same time means a deep connection with themselves and the cosmos. Our next open call is therefore dedicated to the topic of “embracing nature”. We are excited to receive your amazing works of any kind that are dedicated to or inspired […]


The KUNSTFONDS_Werkverzeichnung funding program supports the digital documentation of artistic life’s work that is of supra-regional importance and high artistic relevance. All measures required to implement the cataloging of works are eligible for funding. The requested funding amount must be at least 10,000 euros and max. 30,000 euros. Application deadline: August 26, 2024

Nestzaun (C) T.A.

Open Call “Eyewash”

Organized repression of the climate crisis. Actors and their construction kit | Exhibition in Berlin 11.10. – 22.11.2024, Tue. and Fri., 5-8 p.m. In a public call for entries, we are inviting international artists to submit contributions for the theme described below: “Augenwischer. Organized repression of the climate crisis. Actors and their construction kit” for […]

Call for proposals “Emerging Artists Vol. 7”

Here we go again – films can now be submitted for the 7th edition of the “Emerging Artists – Contemporary Experimental Films and Video Art From Germany” program. For this project, AG Kurzfilm and German Films are calling on young artists to submit their work for the program. The organizers would like to explicitly promote […]

Exhibitors for the flea and creative market at the 10th Genzmer Brückenfest

On Sunday, September 1, 2024, the WUK Theater Quartier is hosting the historic 10th Bridge Festival! From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., visitors can look forward to a colorful program around the Genzmer Bridge – with theater, artistry, dance and music, knowledge transfer and hands-on workshops, games and fun for young and old. Since 2018, […]

Performance at the KUNST/MITTE 2024

Submission procedure: Interested artists are requested to submit the following documents by 25.7.2024: Please send your application by e-mail to Please note: The artists will be selected by an independent jury, which will decide on the basis of the quality of the applications submitted. The selected artists will be notified in good time. We […]