Open Calls

Open Call for the Festival of Regions 2025

The Festival of Regions invites artists, cultural initiatives and people with a cultural, social and political commitment to once again not let things take their course. The upcoming Festival of Regions will take place from June 13 to 22, 2025 in the Innviertel region of Upper Austria, with the main focus on Braunau am Inn […]

MikroKulturFonds – small projects can achieve big things!

The state of Saxony-Anhalt is once again making a total of 74,000 euros available to associations and initiatives for small cultural projects. The advice center for civic engagement of the Landesheimatbund provides support with applications and processing. The regular MikroKulturFonds provides up to 1,000 euros per project. Projects that mitigate the consequences of the corona […]

Hot Printing! Offenbach Print Festival from 6. – July 7, 2024

On the weekend 6. – July 7, 2024, the city of Offenbach is hosting the Hot Printing Festival in and around the Klingspor Museum for the second time. Max. 50 stands were allocated to artists, printers and workshop owners to present their own work for sale. In order to spend a lively weekend together and […]

Renewed call for entries for the 32nd KUNSTMARKT Friedrichsrode (not specified – old deadline has been extended again!)

Artists and cultural craftspeople are also invited to apply to take part in 2024. The market has long attracted national attention and attracts several thousand visitors to the picturesque northern Thuringian village of Friedrichsrode with its 70 inhabitants between Nordhausen, Mühlhausen and Sondershausen on the third Saturday in June. In addition to a colorful market, […]

Art on the water (31.05.2024)

Since 2001, the “Art on the Water” symposium at the Kriebstein Dam has been a permanent fixture on the Central Saxon Cultural Summer schedule. With the support of the ZWA Hainichen, the Zweckverband Kriebsteintalsperre and the municipality of Kriebstein, the idea has become a tradition and numerous works of art on a wide variety of […]

OPEN CALL: Short film competition 20 seconds for art

Open, anonymous short film competition. Topic: Soundless 20-second films on the topic “Community 3.0. Public space in the digital age” are to be created that interpret this artistically. Persons addressed: The call for entries is aimed at artists, students and graduates of art, graphic design, film, architecture and urban planning courses or people working in […]

Short-term call for tenders Course work database for BBK members (14.04.2024)

We recently advertised a course on work databases for heirs and estate administrators. As we have not received enough registrations from this group of interested parties, we would now like to open the course to BBK members at short notice. The dates have already been set and two participants have already confirmed their attendance. If […]

Last chance to apply for KUNST/MITTE

Professional artists and galleries can present themselves and their works at KUNST/MITTE 2024. KUNST/MITTE has created the YAS – Young Artist Space – for up-and-coming artists, an area financed by the fair with the help of sponsors. Terms and conditions on our home page. Artists up to the age of 30 and new galleries/gallery projects […]

Art by the water

Since 2001, the “Art on the Water” symposium at the Kriebstein Dam has had a firm place in the schedule of events of the Central Saxon Summer of Culture. With the support of ZWA Hainichen, the Zweckverband Kriebsteintalsperre and the municipality of Kriebstein, the idea has become a tradition and numerous works of art on […]

PROJECT CALL FOR PROJECTS “Changing signs – 50 years of regional reform in Münsterland”

Art projects on regional reform in Münsterland wanted! On January 1, 1975, a reform of the century comes into force in Münsterland. As in the whole of Germany, numerous municipal and district boundaries are being shifted. Many a small town is incorporated into a larger one, town signs are exchanged, areas of life change from […]

Exhibition project “Between root and treetop – fragments from the forest network”

Since 2004, the Walkmühle artists’ association in Wiesbaden has regularly presented thematic exhibitions with an international line-up. A particular focus of the exhibition program is on topics with social relevance. For example, the artists’ association has organized group exhibitions on the themes of idyll, home, flight and escape, what is wealth, puberty, the cult of […]

Mentoring program: re:balance – gender equality in the arts

Gender equality is still a long way from being achieved in the arts. Whether in terms of payment, presentation opportunities or the awarding of prizes: Success continues to depend on the gender of the artist. The Rudolf Augstein Foundation is therefore launching a new funding line: re:balance – gender equality in the arts. The aim […]

Courses offered by the Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority

One of the main tasks of the Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority is to teach media skills. Competent use of media and orientation in a dynamically developing media world are regarded as core skills and are among the key skills of everyday and working life, regardless of a person’s age. For 23 years, the Media Competence Center […]

Exhibition opportunity in Wernigerode (without appointment)

Our member Frank Täubner gives the following information: “I would like to inform you about an exhibition opportunity in the Bürgerpark Wernigerode, where there is an exhibition space and many tourists visit the park every day. This is a good and easy opportunity for artists who are looking for exhibition opportunities. There are four to […]

Culture Moves Europe | New calls for proposals for the individual mobility of artists and for residency hosts (31.05.2024)

Further information:

International Painting Biennale Hamburg 2024

We, a non-profit art and cultural association, are organizing the International Painting Biennale Hamburg for the 10th time on a given environmental theme: Environment in Ecological Discourse: LOGISTICS OF THE FUTURE. National and international professional artists are invited to submit a work of art in acrylic, watercolor, gouache, oil, tempera or drawing on the given […]

Tender for Sculpture Park 2024

Sculptors and artists can apply for the 10th time for the large outdoor sculpture exhibition at Katharinenhof in Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Artists who have completed their art studies (or students from the 6th semester in their final year), or artists who can demonstrate continuous exhibition activity in their biography. There are no age or country restrictions. […]

Open Call: Artist apartment in Genoa

The project “Artisti nel Bosco” is yet a young initiative, in its third year of activity, which hosts Italian and international artists in biweekly residencies. In collaboration with the Baixi Association, it particularly supports the research of artists sensitive to the relationship with the natural environment by enhancing and promoting sculpture projects and installations that […]

Open Call ‘Kunst am Rand 2024′ in Münster

Dear artists, we are looking forward to the new call for proposals for “Kunst am Rand” in Münster’s Kinderhaus district. “In the here and now – between found and forgotten” is the theme of this year’s event and we would like to engage in an intergenerational exchange with artists from Münster and beyond. The exhibition […]

Workshop art business and parenthood

Expert lecture and workshop on May 15, 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00. A hybrid event organized by the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. and Dornrosa e.V. Halle. The initiators are the visual artists Wiebke Kirchner and Daniela Schönemann. For artists who have children, the art world is full of structural hurdles. Parenthood and freelancing are […]