Leo Breuer Award 2024
The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) is awarding the Leo Breuer Prize for the 13th time this year. In memory of the renowned painter and designer Leo Breuer (1893-1975), the €5,000 prize is aimed at artists from all disciplines whose work represents a current exploration of the concrete-constructive. Applicants can submit their documents to the LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, […]
Scholarship with residency at Künstlerhaus Meinersen
International call for applications for the Art Scholarship 2024/25 The municipality and joint municipality of Meinersen have set themselves the goal of promoting young contemporary art and at the same time giving the region’s cultural offering a fresh impetus. In order to promote this goal, they are offering a scholarship with a residency at the […]
Individual/cooperation scholarships / Schloss Wiepersdorf
The Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf grants residency scholarships to artists and scientists at Schloss Wiepersdorf (Brandenburg/Fläming) in accordance with the guidelines and subject to the availability of state funds. There is no entitlement to a scholarship.mThe number of scholarships to be awarded depends on the funding available in the state budget. The residency scholarship has a […]
International plein air at the Otto Niemeyer-Holstein studio
Six artists have been invited to spend ten days working on the island of Usedom in intellectual and local proximity to Otto Niemeyer-Holstein. The plein air ends with a studio party on Saturday, September 14, 2024 and an exhibition of the plein air participants’ work in the Neue Galerie in the Otto Niemeyer-Holstein studio. The […]
Call for Artist in Residence 2025 Three-dimensional Art – Peccia Ticino
The Fondazione Internazionale per la Scultura operates the Centro Internazionale di Scultura and its five artists’ ateliers in Peccia. Following a call for entries, international talents are selected by an independent jury. The jury is neutral as regards all applicants’ origin, politics, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.The artists that are selected for the Residency will […]
Scholarship for individual mobility: Culture Moves Europe: Individual Mobility Action 2
Culture Moves Europe’s second call for individual mobility targets artists and cultural professionals working in the following sectors: music, literature, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts and performing arts. The Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative […]
Uwe Lüders Art Scholarship Lüneburg (ongoing possible)
The aim is to promote artists who are not yet established on the art market and are not yet successfully represented by other galleries or institutions. Scholarship holders receive a monthly grant of 1,500 euros for a period of three months. In addition, the scholarship grants a free stay in a studio apartment in the […]
Project grant Atelier Schwarzweiß Fotolabor (ongoing possible)
Every year, the Schwarzweiß Fotolabor initiates a project grant in cooperation with Art in the museum, which is explicitly aimed at young artists. The scholarship includes the use of the laboratory for a period of up to six weeks in July / August outside of laboratory operations and the material used during this time. The […]
Open Call Residency “Cruce, Space for Transformation” in Spain (possible on an ongoing basis)
This initiative is intended for professionals who need to disconnect from their daily rhythms, those who need a space to create, hold workshops, events or exhibitions, focus on analysis and dissemination of their work; or just make a temporary withdrawal. Surrounded by nature, the rural environment of Blanca allows one to enter the traditions and […]
Project funding from werkleitz (without deadline)
Project funding supports up to four film and media projects per year. Werkleitz provides them with technology free of charge (excluding insurance) for a maximum of 14 days. Requests for project funding can be submitted at any time by e-mail to info(at) In addition to the obligatory application form with technical data, the planned project […]
Promotion by the ifa Institute of work-related stays and networks in Germany or abroad
The CCP – CrossCulture Program offers scholarships for transnational cooperation between professionals or institutions from the fields of culture, education, science, art and media. CCP’s funding helps to sustainably strengthen civil society networks between Germany and the rest of the world. Further information: