Open Calls

© Michela Benedan

Call for artists at schools in Saxony-Anhalt 2024/25

This year, the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. is once again inviting tenders for the implementation of cultural education projects, which are primarily open to the artists of the BBK Sachsen-Anhalt and all general education schools. The projects of approx. 20 hours can take place between August 5, 2024 and March 31, 2025. The “Artists […]

© Joachim Blobel

Call for entries – Art & Design Market 2024

Sichtbar- Kunst- & Designmarkt7. & 8. September 2024Sa & So 11-18 Uhrim Burggraben des Kunstmuseums Moritzburg Halle (Saale) Dear artists and designers,In 2024, Halle (Saale) will once again host the Visible Art & Design Market in the moat of the Moritzburg Art Museum – this time curated and organized by Kerstin Krieg and Matthias Behne, […]

Call euo temporary gallery+showroom Leipzig (without deadline)

Dear colleagues over 60, I have been running a temporary gallery in my studio space in Leipzig since the beginning of May 2023. I am looking for professional artists over the age of 60 who have not yet gone public with their work or have not sought and/or found access to the art market. The […]

Funding opportunities from the Saxony-Anhalt Engagement Fund (no deadline)

In principle, volunteers should not incur any additional costs for their work, as they already contribute time and skills to their voluntary work. This is exactly where the Saxony-Anhalt Engagement Fund can help. Volunteers are reimbursed for expenses in a fairly unbureaucratic manner. This form of support should be both recognition and motivation for thousands […]

Call by the state of Saxony-Anhalt for projects with the Centre-Val de Loire partner region in 2024 (no deadline)

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the regional partnership between Saxony-Anhalt and Centre-Val de Loire. The anniversary could also provide an opportunity for the BBK Saxony-Anhalt or its members to use existing contacts in the partner region or to establish new contacts in order to benefit from the joint appeal of the two regions with […]

Foto: Christine Rammelt-Hadelich

Call for open studios in Saxony-Anhalt 2024

Open studios in Saxony-AnhaltSeptember 21/22, 2024, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. We cordially invite all artists and designers in Saxony-Anhalt to apply for the “Open Studios in Saxony-Anhalt” event. As always, on the third weekend in September, people interested in art will have the opportunity to look over your shoulder as you work. The event, […]

Course work database 2024

The BBK Saxony-Anhalt has been operating the “Visual Arts Database Saxony-Anhalt” since 2017. It publishes catalogs raisonnés and lists of estates of female visual artists with a connection to Saxony-Anhalt. The work database informs the public – including curators and researchers, for example – about the life’s work of individual female artists and reflects the […]