plan.d Art Prize 2024 for the 25th anniversary exhibition “FLAUSENRAUSCH”

The call for entries for the plan.d. Art Prize 2024 “Flausenrausch” is aimed at artists
who would like to support our cultural work through their participation.

Content and format of the work

The theme of the works to be submitted is “Flausenrausch”.

This theme is to be shaped by the personal artistic signature of the participating artists. The realization can be ironic, political, social, funny, sad,
melancholic, ambivalent, provocative… …

The materials/media are freely selectable. (Of course, everything that stinks is excluded, as well as
xenophobic or otherwise inhuman).

Each artist can apply with one work.
A fee of 15 euros must be paid to plan.d for participation. by bank transfer.
plan.d. at Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, IBAN: DE97 3005 0110 0063 0097 65
with the reference: “Fee anniversary exhibition plan.d.”

The total area of a two-dimensional work may not exceed 40 x 40 cm.
This also applies to multi-part works, e.g. triptychs. Sculptures and installations are limited in height,
width and depth to max. 40 cm.

Works of art to be mounted on walls must be provided with a hanging device.
Works that do not have such a device may be subsequently rejected.

The playing time of works from the field of media art (videos/animations) is limited to 3 minutes
. These works must be submitted in MPEG format. Please upload them to a public storage location of your choice and provide the download link in our registration form. Any performances may only be submitted after consultation with plan.d.; these can only be entered out of competition and cannot be performed on the opening evening.

Unlimited or unnumbered multiples; works not produced by the artist; works in which the artist has no (co-)copyright are not permitted.

Delivery of the work

– by post or parcel service: by 24.08.2024 (please not before August)
– in person:
Sunday 25.08. between 6 and 8 p.m.
Monday 26.08. between 6 and 8 p.m.
Tuesday 27.08. between 6 and 8 p.m.
Late registrations/submissions cannot be accepted for organizational reasons.

Address: plan.d. produzentengalerie e.V., c/o. Jyrg Munter, Dorotheenstr. 59, 40233 Düsseldorf, Germany

The work must be accompanied by a completed and signed application form. The name of the artist and the title of the work must also be noted on the back/bottom of the work.

The submitted work remains the property of the artist, but can also be offered for sale (gallery fee 30% of the sales proceeds).

Transportation of the works there and back is at the expense and risk of the artist.
The works are not insured!

Procedure of the competition

The submitted themed works will be shown during the anniversary exhibition from 07.09. until 06.10.2024 in the producers’ gallery plan.d. will be exhibited.

plan.d. puts together an independent jury. This jury awards the prizes.
There is no right of appeal against the jury’s decision.

First and second prize: a joint exhibition at plan.d.
Third prize: Business card or postcard designed by our plan.d. designer
and other honorable mentions + shopping voucher for artist supplies

The award ceremony will take place at the vernissage of the exhibition on 07.09.2024.

Members of plan.d. and their relatives can exhibit, but are excluded from the competition and the award ceremony.

Collection/return transportation of the work

As we have no storage facilities, the work must be collected after the end of the exhibition by 08.10.2024 at the latest or returned at the artist’s expense. If a return shipment is desired, a usable transport packaging must already be stamped and addressed. Otherwise the works will be returned carriage forward.
The organizer’s obligation to store works that are not collected one month after the end of the exhibition or that cannot be delivered expires. Complaints of any kind must be addressed to the organizer in writing, but no later than two weeks after the works have been returned.

Rights of use

The artists participating in the “plan.d. Art Prize 2024” grant the organizer the right to exhibit the submitted works free of charge and to publish and reproduce images of their works free of charge for the purposes of public relations and documentation. The clarification of any necessary rights of use with third parties is the responsibility of the artist themselves in advance of their participation in the competition. plan.d. is granted the right to publish the exhibited works on their website/Facebook/Instagram if necessary.

By registering for the “plan.d. Art Prize 2024”, the artist declares his/her unconditional agreement with
all of the above conditions. The place of jurisdiction and place of performance for
all obligations in relation to the “plan.d.-Kunstpreis 2024” is Düsseldorf.

Legal recourse is excluded.

plan.d. produzentengalerie e.V. – the board
Dorotheenstr. 59 – 40235 Düsseldorf – Germany

Application deadline: August 27, 2024