Free use of the stage on the market square in Halle (Saale)

I am pleased to inform you about a special opportunity to present your company / association: From August 1 – 18, the event series “Im Sommer nach 8” will offer an evening musical program on a stage at the market square.

During the day, however, the stage will not remain empty and will be made available to local companies, clubs, etc. free of charge. This initiative offers an excellent opportunity to present your company or association to a wider audience and to gain new customers or interested parties.

The day’s program is coordinated by the Freiraumbüro: or visit the website. We look forward to your participation and to a diverse, creative and inspiring series of events!

At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself to anyone who does not yet know me: I am now the contact person for all companies and institutions in the city’s media and creative industries here at the City of Halle (Saale) in the Department of Economics, Science and Digitization. As before, I will be happy to support you with events, press releases and networking. and perhaps also develop formats together with you.

I very much look forward to getting in touch with you personally and finding out together what I can do for you. Please feel free to contact me!

Yours sincerely

Christiane Radtke

Media and creative industries