Free web seminars of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK)

Information on online forms for artists who are already insured

In this live web seminar, we will introduce you to the new online forms of the Künstlersozialkasse. This allows you to handle your social security matters for artists easily, quickly and securely digitally.

We will guide you through the online forms by way of example: From registration to digital dispatch. We will answer your questions directly in the web seminar.

The web seminar is aimed at artists and journalists who are already insured and interested parties. If you would like to take part in the free web seminar, please register promptly for one of the dates. Places are limited.

We look forward to your participation.

Dates / Registration

Note: The dates are published quarterly.

Basic information for artists

approx. 75 minutes | free of charge

This presentation will give you a good introduction to artists’ social insurance and provide you with a compact and understandable overview of the basics. What exactly does the KSK do? What benefits does the KSK provide? How do I join the KSK? What requirements do I have to fulfill? Questions from participants will be answered in the background via chat. Contents:

  • Basic information on artists’ social insurance
  • Concept of art
  • Explanations on the registration procedure
  • Assessment basis for contributions and benefits
  • Health insurance choice and exemption options with subsidized private health insurance – What do I need to consider?
  • Sickness benefit entitlement and options
  • How does additional income or secondary employment affect membership?
  • Exemptions from the insurance obligation

Dates / Registration

Note: The dates are published quarterly.

Checking the insurance obligation – instructions for completing the questionnaire

approx. 75 minutes | free of charge

The web seminar is aimed specifically at artists and publicists and contains useful information, tips and explanations on completing the questionnaire to check whether you are subject to compulsory insurance under the Artists’ Social Insurance Act (KSVG).
If you are not yet familiar with the artists’ social insurance system, it is helpful to read through our “Information on the Artists’ Social Insurance Act (KSVG)” before completing the questionnaire or to take part in a basic seminar on the subject of artists’ social insurance.

Dates / Registration

Note: The dates are published quarterly.