German Neighborhood Award

Every day, people all over Germany get involved in their local communities. In this small way, they make a major and indispensable contribution to our society. This commitment deserves an award! The Foundation therefore launched the German Neighbourhood Award in 2017 to give more visibility to this important commitment and to recognize the diverse efforts for vibrant neighbourhoods.

On behalf of all committed neighbors, the German Neighborhood Award is presented once a year to projects and initiatives with exemplary character that are committed to their local environment in many places, strengthen cooperation and shape the WE. The prize is endowed with a total of 57,000 euros and is awarded at state level and in five thematic categories. The prize is intended to motivate neighbors throughout Germany to stand up for their environment and their fellow human beings.

There are many good initiatives throughout Germany that show that you can shape your own neighborhood with commitment, courage and passion. The Foundation nominates around 100 projects for the German Neighborhood Award from all the applications received. Expert juries from civil society, business and politics then select the winning projects from all the nominees. At the end of September, an independent jury from each federal state will evaluate the nominated projects and select the respective winning project. The winning projects each receive prize money of 2,000 euros.

Application deadline: July 18, 2024