Märkisches Stipendium 2025

The MKK awards the Märkische Stipendium 2025 in the field of fine arts in the subject of painting. The scholarship holder is given the opportunity to work for a year with a high degree of economic independence and to present themselves to the public. The initiators expect this to be mutually enriching.

Who can apply?
Anyone who is German within the meaning of the Basic Law or has lived in Germany for at least two years is eligible to apply. The competition is aimed equally at students and graduates. Artistic training should have been completed no more than five years ago.

How do I apply?
The professors specializing in painting at the German universities can each nominate one applicant as suitable. A short letter of recommendation should be enclosed with the applicant’s documents or sent to the MKK in advance by e-mail.

Where should the application be sent?
Märkische Kulturkonferenz e.V.
Bismarckstr. 15
58762 Altena

Documents to be submitted:

  • Address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with artistic training and activities as well as a color photo
  • Listing of previous exhibitions, prizes, scholarships, etc., websites, catalogs or other publications.
  • A labeled CD/USB stick with up to ten images for data projection/resolution 13x18cm, 180 dpi (jpg format) with corresponding listing of the works shown.

By submitting the documents, the applicant agrees to participate in the selection exhibition. Insurance costs shall be borne by the applicants. MKK accepts no liability.

The exhibition:
The jury decides in two meetings. Based on the application documents, max. 6 applicants will be selected and asked to submit works from the last two years. The works of the selected participants will be presented in a group exhibition.

The decision:
Visitors to the exhibition have the opportunity to cast a vote. Based on the originals, the jury decides on the award of the scholarship; the visitors’ vote is taken into account in the decision. All decisions of the jury are final. Legal recourse is excluded.

The jury:
Rainer Danne, Städtische Galerie Iserlohn
Dr. Susanne Conzen, Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid
Dr. Theo Bergenthal, representative of the MKK
Dorothea Ossenberg-Engels, representative of the MKK
Rouven Lotz, Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen
Joachim Stracke, freelance artist

Scholarship duration:
01.01 to 31.12.2025

Scholarship amount:
12,000 euros, paid out in monthly installments. MKK reserves the right to make the payment of the last three monthly installments dependent on the completion of the scholarship content.

Scholarship content:
The scholarship holder is obliged to participate in the awarding of the Märkische Stipendien. Furthermore, he or she is obliged to attend public events such as exhibitions, studio evenings and discussions in the Märkischer Kreis region, which are organized by the MKK. The MKK scholarship should be mentioned in the respective CV for 10 years. In addition, the scholarship holder agrees to participate in joint projects with the scholarship holders for literature and/or music in the district. If the scholarship holder does not fulfill these requirements, the scholarship can be withdrawn after prior warning. If the scholarship is terminated prematurely, MKK will cease to make any payments to the scholarship holder.

At the end of the scholarship, a solo exhibition will be organized for the scholarship holder.

The award ceremony for the Märkisches Stipendium 2025 will take place as part of the exhibition opening on 24.10.2024 in the Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid.

Application deadline: September 08, 2024