On winged horses and three-headed dogs through the world of Greek legends
For six months, children from the third and fourth grades traveled through Greek mythology. On this journey, they explored legendary mythical creatures and discovered their own fantasy in the vastness of their imagination. In this project, the children mastered many unfamiliar work steps with new materials and tools until the mythical creatures were made of metal, plaster or concrete. A mural was created that shows us the basic idea of democratic cooperation. It combines different perspectives on a topic into a colorful, common image.
The project was conceived and realized by the designers Inga Becker and Suse Kaluza from the studio community kunstrichtungtrotha. The project was made possible by the funding program “Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung”, which is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research and coordinated by the Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler (BBK). The project sponsor at local level was the Saxony-Anhalt Professional Association of Visual Artists (BBK Saxony-Anhalt), which joined forces with the Halle Community Foundation and the Diemitz/Freiimfelde elementary school.
A big thank you from the BBK Saxony-Anhalt goes to the participating children, the project leaders, the Diemitz/ Freiimfelde elementary school and the Bürgerstiftung Halle!

Detailed documentation of the work steps and interim results can be found