Open Call “Eyewash”

Organized repression of the climate crisis. Actors and their construction kit | Exhibition in Berlin 11.10. – 22.11.2024, Tue. and Fri., 5-8 p.m.

In a public call for entries, we are inviting international artists to submit contributions for the theme described below: “Augenwischer. Organized repression of the climate crisis. Actors and their construction kit” for a group exhibition in our exhibition spaces.

Cognitive scientists have developed a toolkit called PLURV to help identify disinformation and propaganda in relation to the climate crisis: Pseudo-experts, logical errors, unfulfillableexpectations, cherry-pickingand conspiracy mythsare all identifying features. Let’s expose PLURV!

One actor that promotes the suppression of the climate crisis is, for example, the Springer press. Its publishing house is largely owned by fossil fuel investors. The AFD and so-called “lateral thinkers” are also helping to suppress the issue. Narratives can be “It’s always been hot in summer”, “That’s a good thing!”, “Yes, just the weather”, “Fear-mongering and scaremongering”, “Whoever believes it will be blessed”, “Belief in man-made climate change is a substitute for religion?”.

In Germany, the CDU and FDP parties are conducting a textbook delaying discourse: they have no proposals. In reality, it’s not about political ideologies, it’s about defending fossil fuel business models.

Repression leads to aggression against, for example, meteorologists on TV who receive hate messages. People only believe what they want to believe. Researchers say that dissonant information is devalued and consonant information is valorized. The fact that humanity is in the process of destroying the basis of human life with its way of life generates unpleasant emotions: Feelings of guilt, fears, sadness about the squandered future, the inevitable suffering and dying. In other words, cognitive dissonance. Pseudo-information that suggests everything is not so bad can have a relieving effect.

Disciplines: object, sculpture, installation, photo, painting, drawing, printmaking, video with credits, sound is possible. A performative contribution such as a performance, VJ or similar to the vernissage, artist talk or finissage is welcome.

International works: letters and videos from non-EU countries.

We offer exhibition space with equipment, bar, advertising by mail and various websites and social media. Websites and social media and web and print flyers, organization of the work texts, the lecture, the documentation.
We do not charge a fee for applications, exhibitions etc. We are a free, self-organized project space and work on a voluntary basis. We ask that senders enclose return postage for works sent to us. Unfortunately, there is no budget for production, additional technical equipment, transportation and insurance (the space is technically secured). We expect good cooperation and agree on rules of cooperation, gg3 rules regeln 2022, pdf.

Individual artists or existing artist groups can apply online with a maximum of three works. three works.

The presence of regional artists is desired for the vernissage and the artist talk, as is the supervision of the exhibition.

Application deadline: August 26, 2024