OPEN CALL – Art festival inspections

The Begehungen art festival will take place in 2025 on the site of the decommissioned Nord lignite-fired power plant in Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025. In the midst of this impressive industrial architecture, the 22nd edition of the art festival will take a future-oriented look at burning issues such as resource consumption, biodiversity and climate change.

With this Open Call, we are looking for artworks that make the complexity of these themes visible on various levels with a view to the festival title EVERYTHING IS INTERACTION.

We are interested in creative reflections on the social, ecological and economic consequences of the climate crisis, on the examination of questions of justice and power and on the social crises associated with it. Site-specific works that incorporate the history, purpose or architecture of the festival venue are possible.

The Open Call 2025 is intended as direct funding for young artists and is therefore explicitly aimed at people who have not yet reached the age of 30.

The exhibition is open to all genres of visual art. Existing works as well as conceptual works or performances can be submitted.

Application deadline: February 15, 2025