Photo competition of the Alexander Koenig Society

Our theme for the Alexander Koenig Society’s photo competition is:

Coastal habitat

This year’s photo competition of the Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft (AKG) e.V. will be dedicated to the topic “Coastal habitat”. We are sure that the vast majority of inland dwellers have also visited coastal habitats, whether in our temperate zones or on tropical shores. This dynamic mainland-seawater transition provides a habitat for an abundance of species from a wide variety of animal groups and therefore also offers plenty of attractive photo opportunities. We are looking for photos of typical coastal species, from jellyfish to seals, which live on the beach or in shallow water near the coast, in rocky or mudflats or in mangroves.

It goes without saying that special consideration must be given to the respective biotopes in which the animals live. Applicable nature and animal protection regulations must be observed. The animals must not be disturbed or impaired in their radius of action.

Registration and conditions of participation

  • Any amateur photographer, regardless of age, can take part.
  • A maximum of three pictures per participant is possible.
  • The photos submitted should not be older than 5 years.
  • For online submission, only a preview file in JPG format of each image must be submitted initially.
  • These JPGs should have the highest possible quality level, the longest side of the image must be 1920 pixels. This value may neither be exceeded nor fallen short of.
  • Photos of domestic and farm animals as well as wild animals kept in human care are excluded from participation.
  • The file name must contain the name of the author of the image:
  • Example: First_name_last_name_picture_title.jpg
  • The Exif data should be stored.

Please send your pictures by e-mail with your first and last name, address and e-mail address, subject Photo competition 2024 to

Closing date: October 1, 2024