Project funding from the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation

Project grants can be applied for by individuals (natural persons) or legal entities (e.g. associations, foundations under public law, companies, etc.). Artists’ collectives or groups should check whether it makes sense to set up a GbR or whether an individual should take on the application and the associated rights and obligations.

Within the framework of project funding, support is granted for individual artistic projects as an overall project as well as for project modules such as concept development or supporting marketing measures, as well as publications, catalogs of works and art purchases.

The foundation supports artistic projects in the visual, applied and performing arts, artistic photography, literature, music, film, design, architecture and media art as well as interdisciplinary projects. Originality, quality and feasibility of the project are required.

Projects of high artistic merit are eligible for funding:

  • with supra-regional or international visibility and corresponding cooperations
  • with original, unusual approaches or forms of expression, innovative arrangements or with an experimental character
  • with topics of importance to the public or reference to issues or conflict situations that stimulate debate and have a correspondingly lasting effect
  • aimed at children and young people to encourage them to engage with art and culture and to refine their aesthetic sensibilities
  • with cross-disciplinary, cross-genre or cross-sector project goals

Funding is only available for projects that have not yet begun at the time of application. If the applicant wishes to start the project before the grant is approved (early start of the measure), this generally requires the prior approval of the Arts Foundation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. The prerequisite for funding is an application that is ready for a decision.

Funding is usually provided in the form of partial financing of the project. The overall financing must be secured. As a rule, the share of funding provided by the Art Foundation does not exceed 50% of the total expenditure. For projects with total costs of up to 5,000 euros, the Art Foundation can deviate from this principle and provide full funding.
Film projects longer than 30 minutes are also supported by the Arts Foundation with a non-repayable grant, so that it is not possible to include provisions in the financing plan.

Application deadline: June 12, 2024