Experimental printmaking 2024

In 2024, the BBK Bundesverband will focus on experimental printmaking in its five-yearly series “Zeitgleich-Zeitzeichen”. The Kulturwerk of the BBK Saxony-Anhalt is participating with two projects.

The portfolio project in Dessau-Roßlau

As part of “Zeitgleich-Zeitzeichen”, around 50 portfolios are currently traveling throughout Germany as part of joint exhibition projects coordinated by the state and regional associations, making print artists’ work accessible to the public.visible nationwide. Print artists tooThe artists from the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Sachsen-Anhalt and the Künstlerbund Dresden were invited to publicly present their positions on experimental printing. The results will be on display at the Anhaltischer Kunstverein Dessau in June and July 2024. The exhibition is a cooperation between the Kulturwerk des BBK Sachsen-Anhalt, the Künstlerbund Dresden and the Anhaltischer Kunstverein in the series “Zeitgeich-Zeitzeichen” of the BBK Bundesverband.

Symposium on Experimental Printmaking in Zeitz

In September, nine members of the BBK Saxony-Anhalt come together at Posa Monastery in Zeitz to work together for a week. The artists are at home in the art of printing and look forward to experimenting. Not only does a well-equipped screen printing workshop await them, but also plenty of space to try out alternative techniques and an area that invites inspiration. The project is funded by the Art Foundation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.

© Julienne Jattiot

Symposium Experimental Printmaking

In September 2024, eight members of the BBK Saxony-Anhalt will come together at Posa Monastery in Zeitz to work together for a week. The artists are at home in the art of printing and look forward to experimenting. Not only does a well-equipped screen printing workshop await them, but also plenty of space to try […]