Scholarships for “Contemporary German Photography”

The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation has been awarding scholarships for contemporary German photography in cooperation with the Photographic Collection at Museum Folkwang since 1982. The grant is aimed at photographers (no age limit) who wish to develop a photographic project over a longer period of time independently of a commissioned work. The call for applications is neither thematically bound nor assigned to a specific area of photographic practice. With this open funding program, the Foundation would like to promote a contemporary artistic examination of photographic perspectives and modes of representation. The Photographic Collection at Museum Folkwang is in charge of this funding program.


Photographers from all areas of artistic practice can apply. Applicants must have lived in Germany for at least three years but not have German citizenship. There are no age or educational restrictions. The application for a scholarship must be made in connection with a planned photographic project. This project may already be underway.

Application documents

Applications must be submitted via the online application portal of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. The following documents must be submitted for an application:

  • Fully completed online application
  • Artistic career in German and English
  • Artistic career in German and English
  • Image examples and installation views of previous works as PDF (max. 8 MB). References to videos and online content should be included in the document via hyperlink.

Scope of funding

The scholarship is endowed with €13,000 and is awarded for a period of one year. At the end of the period, the two award winners will present the projects they have developed at a public event. Documentation and examples from the project must be submitted to the Museum Folkwang after completion. They will become part of the Photographic Collection and will be kept available for exhibitions and study purposes. The copyright remains with the authors.

Application deadline: August 31, 2024