Sebastian Kaps in Dessau

Opening weekend of the gallery for landscape photography

Landscape photography is a fascinating art form that is unfortunately often underestimated in Germany.

The gallery provides a worthy setting to exhibit my own photographs as well as works by other renowned
landscape photographers. I want to give visitors the opportunity to experience the breathtaking beauty of
and the emotional depth of our natural environment.
The dignified ambience of the exhibition rooms invites you to linger longer and enjoy the artworks in peace.

Especially in times of climate change, landscape photography is more important and topical than ever.
It reminds us of the fragility and value of our environment and inspires us to protect it.
The latest exhibitions of Caspar David Friedrich in Germany show the existing interest in
aesthetics and landscape depictions. This confirms that the need for images of nature and its beauty is deeply rooted in us.

The Gallery for Landscape Photography in Dessau is more than just an exhibition – it is a place of inspiration, reflection
and appreciation for the untouched beauty as well as the transience of our world.