Ulrike Basner, Elena Kiseleva-Arendt, Petra Reichenbach and Valeria Sivtsova in Halle (Saale)

HofKunstNacht of the Lions Club Halle an der Saale with art auction

This year, the 3rd HofKunstNacht of the Lions Club Halle an der Saale will take place in the Moritzburg courtyard in September 2024. This is a charity event during which an auction will be held for the purposes of the Lions organization in the city of Halle. By sharing the proceeds, we also want to directly promote artistic activity in Halle.

Artists from Halle and the surrounding area are participating with works of painting, graphics and photography.

We want to facilitate a lively exchange in our city between urban society and artists and combine this with the promotion of projects worthy of support.

10 works by artists from Halle and the surrounding area will be auctioned.

  • Date: September 6, 2024
  • Start of the event: 18:30
  • Start of auction: 20:00