visual artists | diverse conditions – Conference on May 24, 2024

Event from 10-17 in Berlin and Stockholm | via Zoom | cooperation with the Artists’ Association of Sweden. On May 24, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the IGBK, together with the Artists’ Association of Sweden, and in partnership with the IAA Europe and On The Move, invites you to the project conference visual artists | diverse conditions. A linked round table discussion will take place in Berlin and Stockholm at the same time. Around 30 experts from the visual arts (artists/voluntary association representatives), cultural institutions and the sciences will discuss the framework conditions for artistic work in Europe from the perspective of diversity. Participation via Zoom is also possible. The event will be held in English. We are delighted that the artist Pham, Minh Duc will be giving an artistic performance in the afternoon between 3.30 and 4.30 p.m. as part of the conference. With the project visual artists | diverse conditions, the IGBK 2023 and 2024 will discuss the framework conditions of artistic work in Europe from the perspective of diversity with events and working groups. What effects do characteristics such as age, gender, origin/language and geographical location (or place of residence) have on the work of visual artists, in addition to country-specific cultural, art and socio-political conditions? To what extent is the existence or absence of diversity structures in e.g. institutions for the work of artists? Are artists’ associations sufficiently diverse in terms of the changing population structure? The project discusses these questions within the framework of three topics, each of which is considered against the background of diversity aspects: Funding and workspaces, social security and pension systems and artists’ associations and structures. In 2023, the IGBK organized working groups, panel discussions and workshops on the topic with experts from art and science. The workshops focused on practical examples from Finland, Spain, Austria, the UK and Sweden. At the 2024 conference, we want to share further experiences on how to give more attention to diversity aspects in connection with the working conditions of visual artists in Europe. We live in similar contexts in many respects, but there are also many differences. As artists’ organizations working every day to improve conditions for professional artists, we believe it is increasingly important to ensure freedom of expression and create opportunities for as many different voices as possible to be heard. The concept of diversity is becoming increasingly relevant in democratic and pluralistic societies. The diversity of lifestyles, identities and cultures is not yet reflected in all areas of society and institutional structures.

Further information:

Registration deadline: May 23, 2024