From August 2018 to March 2019, around ten children from the “Onkel UHU” after-school care center in Halle-Neustadt drew, hammered, glued, thought, laughed, romped and concentrated in the creative room of the “Onkel Uhu” after-school care center. The artists Grit Wendelberger and Andrea Hiller are running a project there that gives educationally disadvantaged children and young people open access to art and creativity. From the beginning of March 2019, the results will be permanently installed on the walls of the after-school rooms: life-size self-portraits of the children involved, who have traced their own bodies and spaces in their heads. Using a mixed technique of drawing, painting and mosaic, they summed up the theme: “WE. Shape spaces”. The program is coordinated by the Federal Association of Visual Artists (BBK-Bundesverband) and financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BmBF).
Project partners: “Onkel Uhu” after-school care center run by Erste Kreativitätsschule Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. and Bürgerstiftung Halle