Head: Grit Wendelberger
Project partners: Bürgerstiftung Halle, Diemitz/Freiimfelde elementary school, Kulturwerk des BBK Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
In November 2024, the art project “Tell me something. A journey through stage sets and favorite stories” came to an end. In two plays, the children presented elaborately designed stage sets that told the story of the clever farmer’s daughter and Snow White. Rod puppets danced in front of the colorful scenery in a specially built storytelling theater. Some of the children were responsible for using the various puppets, backgrounds and props, while the others read the fairy tales in front of the stage in distributed roles. Highly concentrated and with an enormous reading performance for children, some of whom have only just learned to read, the two groups impressed with their concentration, enthusiasm and attention to detail.
In addition to the applause from the guests, the children are sure to take home many other memories from their time together – such as the joint excursion to the market square for this year’s Gulliver production or the lovingly designed buffets for the hungry artists at the beginning of each lesson.
The artistic director for the project was Grit Wendelberger, Sylvia Werner was responsible for the scenic production and Thomas Leibe was in charge of designing the puppets.
The project week was supported by “Wir können Kunst”, a project of the Bundesverband bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler e.V. as part of the program “Kultur macht stark. Alliances for Education” program of the BMBF.