Work grants from the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation

Work grants serve to promote individual artistic achievements. The foundation supports artistic projects in the visual and applied arts, the performing arts, literature, music, film (screenplay and project development only), design, architecture and media art as well as interdisciplinary projects. Originality, quality and feasibility of the artistic project are required. The awarding of work grants is intended in particular to enable concentrated work on a new project.

Freelance artists who are self-employed as their main occupation and generally have their main place of residence in Saxony-Anhalt are eligible to apply. Pupils, students and persons undergoing training are not eligible to apply.

The scholarship amounts to 1,500 euros per month, the funding usually lasts 3 or 6 months and can be extended to a maximum of 12 months in justified cases. A new application is required for this.

A prerequisite for the award of a scholarship is that no funding is granted by other institutions for the funding period.

Please note: Scholarships are only awarded to individual artists. For joint projects by artist collectives or artist groups, separate applications must be submitted as individuals. It is advisable to use the same name for the projects and to refer to each other in the brief description.

Application deadline: June 12, 2024