Not a conference – a workshop / from 22 – 24 MAY 2024 / Naxoshalle in Frankfurt am Main. How does the field of cultural education see itself and what are its basic assumptions? What social challenges are posed by new requirements for contemporary cultural education practice? What needs to be done today to ensure that cultural education continues to live up to its self-image – to create encounters and exchanges for everyone and to enable access to art and culture, thus also socio-political participation and a change of perspective – in the future? YUNIK 2024 is a workshop. Together we want to critically examine the status quo of cultural education and develop concrete strategies for the field and our own actions. The focus is on the examination of power relations and sustainable alliances, aesthetic practice and the strategic role of cultural mediation in institutions. For the first time in this context, the award ceremony for the “KULTURLICHTER – German Prize for Cultural Education” competition launched by the federal and state governments will also take place on the evening of May 22.